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Our Development Industries

Your business needs a plan to include smartphones in your strategy, whether it be through an app development for internal staff members or launching native applications on specific platforms that can generate revenue. Mobile App Development Companies like Alphalytics understand what is needed to create a unique solution for your company.

Games & Entertainment

Mobile entertainment applications on smartphones are an excellent way to engage with your customers. Games and Entertainment apps can generate revenue by using microtransactions, in-app purchases, or simply give your customers an interactive interface with your brand.

Productivity & Business

Businesses need to take advantage of smartphones for their staff. By supporting smartphones with mobile applications, business owners can utilize the various features smartphones offer and increase productivity in a cost-effective manner.

  • Time Tracking
  • Lead Tracking
  • Expense Reporting
  • Job Costing
  • Product & Inventory Management

News & Information

News and information applications can be used to deliver up-to-the minute updates on your industry. This can help you stay ahead of the competition by providing more current news or breaking headlines in the areas that interest your customers most.

Utility Apps

Utility apps are used for specific tasks such as time management, alarms and reminders. These apps can help your employees with their daily tasks or simply organize your entire business workday.

Lifestyle Apps

Lifestyle applications are a perfect addition to a successful blogging platform. The mobile applications that we can design in this industry will help build your knowledge for the category you’re a professional in. This will also give your audience access to things they may not have access to from your website.

The Technology We Utilize


Flutter is an open-source mobile app SDK built by google. Its main purpose is for developing high quality native apps on iOS and Android in record time. It allows you to write once, run everywhere with the same codebase across both platforms. Saving our clients both time and money on development.


Electron is a software development kit (SDK) that was created by GitHub. It allows your desktop apps to be published as a cross-platform application with one codebase, while still allowing for native user experiences on each platform. This is great if you have an app that needs to work well across different operating systems and platforms but don’t want the hassle of maintaining multiple projects at once.


AWS AppSync automatically creates the necessary API endpoints for your app, making it easy to add real-time functionality. It enables you to build robust applications faster and allows developers to focus on building great mobile apps instead of the back-end service implementation details. This is a perfect fit because we are an agile development company that’s always looking for ways to bring our clients the best mobile app development services.

Services Related To Mobile App Development

Alphalytics has got you covered with a myriad of solutions. Our team of professionals can create personalized apps, supercharge your web presence with SEO-friendly content, and provide real-time analytics to help you reach peak performance. So why wait? Browse through our other related service solutions and take your business to the next level.

API and Cloud Integrations

A company's business strategy will dictate how they choose to utilize API and cloud integrations. Whether you want to communicate with customers or automated tasks Alphalytics has the development team for you....

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Business CRM and ERP

Do you feel like business is getting more and more complex? Or that there are too many business processes to manage efficiently, but not enough time in the day? This can be a huge problem for business owners. Fortunately, our…...

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Business Intelligence

Business intelligence software helps analyze data that will help your organization thrive in your industry. Our development team will write tools that can transform data into insightful data....

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